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The Corner Take Away
Queanbeyan, NSW
By baconheist on 19/7/2012
Score: 7.3/10
A review inspired by a workmate (thanks, Hound Dog) who enquired about his local savvery. Hound Dog commended the girth of said sav but did warn that the length may be somewhat underwhelming.

Keen for a sav, I headed off in search of the elusive takeaway, only to find it has been built where the old Pices Takaway stood in the days of yore - a tribute perhaps?

Imagine my surprise when the sav only set me back $2! My joy was short-lived, as when I received the meaty snack which cost me about two thirds of what I expected it to, it was about two thirds the length I expected! (see it in relation to industry standard chiko roll bag). I almost thought I had been given a battered cocktail frank!

Luckily the sav stacked up flavour wise, and the texture of the batter is to be commended! Well worth the trek out to Queanbeyan!