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Pretzel World
Carousel, WA
By AwesomeWolf on 14/1/2009
Score: 4.0/10
Pretzels. Americans eat pretzels, Europeans eat pretzels. Australians, being the far manlier nationality, do not eat salted bread and call it a snack. That's for girly men. Real men eat battered savs. It's just a law of nature.

Why the pretzel hatred, you ask? Well in the 8.5 years since I left Perth, the city has been infested with pretzel stores. There's also drive-through coffee everywhere too, and I hate coffee, but that's a rant for another day. Pretzels. Where did all these pretzel stores come from? How does the Australian city furthest from America succumb to such a dumb idea for a snack? None of the locals could actually tell me how that happened, then again, no one I spoke to admitted to ever eating pretzels. It's a mystery.

My first morning in town, and I was already on the hunt for savs. I'd been to three take-aways, but there were no savs to be found. The closest thing I found that day was the Carousel Mall, at Pretzel World. An 'American Dog' for a whopping $4.

It looked like a frank wrapped in a croissant, and extraordinarily enough, tasted like a frank wrapped in a croissant. To my surprise, frank, cheese, and bread is not as delicious as one might expect. It is not terrible, just not particularly good either. It is rather filling, but one would expect from the whopping $4 price-tag.

4/10 - an average snack, but the price drags the score down.