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Chisholm Takeaway Food
Chisholm, ACT
By baconheist on 28/6/2005
Score: 7.5/10
This review is a semi-guest review, along with me is BJ, who is off to the states and wanted to get a bit of reviewing under his belt before sampling those famous 'corn dogs'. hopefully soon we will have some more international reviews to join the ranks of the japanese 'sausage breads'. I was pretty impressed with this sav, for starters it had a good rough batter which points to good things. The sausage flavour was good but nothing incredible but would definatly only get plus points from me. Bj pointed out that "I am impressed with the batter, I liked the edges where it had a certain crunchiness". I commend BJ on this observation because this sav did have some good crispiness to the batter. We arrived on a mutual 7.5 for this sav and as far as south side savs go, this one puts up a good fight.