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Jerrabomberra Take Away and Supermarket
Jerrabomberra, NSW
By AwesomeWolf on 30/3/2008
Score: 9.0/10
Jerrabomberra is an oddity. It is essentially Queanbeyan's little brother, it is right under flight paths, and they get new gaol being built across the road. A safe bet would be that Jerrabomberrans are poor and live in squalor and campervans. It is surprising then, that Jerrabomberra is actually quite a nice place. Sure, I'd sooner sit in my car reading comics from 1992 rather than hang around the Jerrabomberra fair, but on the whole it is a nice place. Even if the people are dumb enough to complain about the loud planes landing even though they moved there KNOWING that it was under a flight path. That's right, I'm talking to you, the Jerrabomberra Residents Association: You are all dumb, and you should be ashamed for ever having voiced an opinion on anything ever. The planes aren't that loud anyway.

The striking thing about the Jerrabomberra take away is that it is a supermarket as well. I wonder if the Jerra' Woolies is actually profitable when they have to compete with a supermarket that sells savs, and the staff are so much friendlier than 99% of Woolies staff (not a compliment in itself, but the staff at Jerra take away are very friendly and likeable). I'd do all my grocery shopping there if I wasn't so lazy. It is also highly recommended by my housemate, the Hon. C Richards. Statistically: a survey of two Team Beersome-house residents proved that two of out every two Team Beersome-house residents encourage you to check out the Jerrabomberra Take Away and Supermarket.

As for the sav: ITS A DAMN GOOD SAV! Some pretty chunky batter covers a delicious spicy pork sausage. No imitations here: pure, tasty sav. I'd happily use a couple of these as a main meal, and they'd probably go well with a chardonnay or something. It is a really class sav. You should drop what you're doing and go get one now.

9/10 - I was considering a full 10/10, but I did find one weakness: See my main meal comment? Yeah, as long as that main meal isn't breakfast...