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Calwell takeaway
Calwell, ACT
By baconheist on 29/5/2005
Score: 6.0/10
I've had many requests to review this sav, and I have finally got around to doing it, and I think that the following statement is fairly summarising of this sav "I'm not sad that i sampled it". The sav had so real good qualities - but was edible. This is a disturbing trend i'm finding with southside savs. This sav had a couple of features that i would like to point out which show where my score comes from. The texture, for starters - is like eating pudding - the sav and batter is like one homogenous mass - not plesant - needs more crispness. The flavour of the savaloy was so minimal that i couldnt really taste it over the salt on the batter. The sav as i said was edible and i certainly was'nt the worst sav ive had. i give it 6 out of 10, because it wasnt too bad, and i'd also like to point out that i have had multiple savs from calwell to arrive at this decision, and i have found that all the savs i get from there - are all this sort of quality... disapointing...